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You Have Never Experienced Anything Like This
Trust Us . . . 
You have nEVER Experienced anything like LEVERAGE . . . The Course...
What makes LEVERAGE . . . The Course so very different than anything you have ever experienced?  
          The LEVERAGE Model
It's SIMPLE . . . and COMPLEX
Like most amazing things in life . . . 
The more we know about the LEVERAGE model the more we don't  know.
LEVERAGE . . . The Course will change the way we and those around us think, not for the short term, but forever.  
Think About It . . . we are all in sales, every day, seeking to sell ourselves, our ideas, our value, and our contribution.  When we learn how to use LEVERAGE . . . The Magical Arts of POSITIVE Motivation & Manipulation for the mutual benefit of everyone . . . we create WIN WIN WIN situations for everyone.  Who in our organization, in our team would not benefit from this?  

"Never make things complex which are simple . . . and never make things simple which are complex." 
There are two things that everyone around us wants to know about us . . . both personally and professionally.  What are OUR INTENTIONS and what are OUR CAPABILITIES?

When we learn to ASK the right questions, LISTEN in the most amazing way, SEE things that others do not see . . . we learn to THINK differently, which gives us the ability to discover SOLUTIONS that no one has ever thought of.  This awakens us and those around us which empowers us to DO like we've never done before . . . which gives us all mutual LEVERAGE which is life changing and mind numbing.  
This course comes from decades of "in the trenches" effort and experience from many people, in many industries all around the world.  Most of what you will learn in this course, you won't find on the internet, in any classroom or even in books.  
The business aspect of the course comes from two boxes within The 5/30 Grid, Box 4 ~ Ask Key Questions . . . AND   . . . Box 8: Present Solutions.

The first time Tom Kunz saw The 5/30 Grid he shared . . . "Mark, do you realize what you have here . . . it's the Holy Grail for business.  It will work with a child and a lemonade stand or a multi-billion dollar worldwide company."  
The 5/30 Grid is what is called The DNA for Business which is one of the three DNA's within the BOS or Business Operating System.  Our BOS is the engine which runs our business / organization, we earn the money we earn, work the hours we work, we have the stress and life balance we do or do not have due to the size of our BOS / engine and how well it's running.  Check out this short video which covers BOS and the DNA for Business.
When you look at the LEVERAGE model do you notice that "LISTEN" is in RED?  When we learn to LISTEN based on personalities / frequency and also incorporate the DNA for LIFE into all that we hear, it changes every area of our life.  Did you also notice on the model how many of the area ares have a RED outline?
The two sections which are GREEN are part of The 5/30 Grid and all the other parts of the model connect through the BOS, the 3 DNA's to create a learning experience that is impossible to get anywhere outside of the course. Blending in all 3 DNA's and adding LEVERAGE, we produce something we've never experienced ever in our lives.
DNA for LIFE the BLUE part of the model takes over 500 Natural Laws and weaves their magic into the LEVERAGE course to fulfill our commitment to you, with this course to change your life and the lives of every single team member who goes through this course . . . which we are really hoping will be all of them.
LEVERAGE, the purple takes the 3 DNA's and for the first time ever, this course brings them all together in a magical way to create a learning experience you have never imagined was even possible.  So very exciting to be a part of this experience with so many other like minded individuals . . . all seeking to . . . 
LEVERAGE . . . The Magical Arts of POSITIVE Motivation & Manipulation.
Course Outline

Lesson 1 ~ Questions

What are the best questions to ask, in the best way, at the best time in a way that connects deeply into each person we are connecting, selling, communicating, and/or working with?  

We guarantee that you'll learn to ask questions that you never thought of asking and may feel very uncomfortable.  When someone says . . . "That's a great question!" three times, the general rule is they will buy anything from us.  The right questions . . . give us LEVERAGE

Lesson 2 ~ Listen

Learning to listen in a way that we've never listened before.  We will learn to listen so well that we will learn someone's personality / frequency in seconds.  

We will learn to listen in such an amazing way that in 14 minutes we'll know more about that individual than they know about themselves.  What's even more exciting . . . is they will realize at a very deep level that no one has listened to them as we have.  Listening gives us more LEVERAGE.

Lesson 3 ~ SEE

Once we have determined their personality in seconds and have asked them 14 minutes of powerful questions, we will learn to SEE things that cannot be seen by others.

We call this "Insight Selling" where the questions are crafted in such an amazing way that people come to the conclusion they should buy from us, they should embrace our idea, they should promote us, they should connect with us . . . OR . . . whatever else creates a WIN WIN WIN for everyone. SEEING gives us even more LEVERAGE.


I don't really like to sell and this helped me to learn "Insight selling" which I love doing.  So powerful!


Interesting to me how they approached selling through LEVERAGE and create WIN WIN for everyone.


Broken down into bite sized pieces and Tom, Peter, and Mark are amazing!  Every employee will get it.


This helped me to gain confidence in learning how to sell my ideas, insights, and me working on great projects.


Because every employee is going through this course, we all are now able to ask great questions, listen well, and see in ways that are amazing.


Really helping me to close more sales, in less time, with less effort.  I'm helping others learn. 


It's simple . . . YES . . . but it's also very deep for those who are more experienced.  Really challenged my thinking.


So helpful to every employee regardless of what their position is.  Helps people to have confidence.


The course connected so many dots for me.  It helped me LEVERAGE all my past experience.


This course has helped me in not only my job, but with my wife, family members, and friends.  It's fun going through it with everyone on the team.

Lesson 4 ~ THINK

The entire course is about learning how to Think Differently and do so quickly.  When we ask the right questions, listen in a very specific way and learn to SEE things that others do not SEE, it will naturally just cause us to Think Differently.  

When we learn to Think Differently, Insight Selling becomes natural.  When an entire team of individuals learn to seek to THINK in such a way that we gain insights in working together . . . well . . . it's probably starting to become obvious as to why this course will impact a team in a more significant way than if you had a whole week workshop and/or years of consulting.

Lesson 5 ~ Solutions

When we ASK the best questions, LISTEN deeply, SEE things which are hidden from most individuals we will THINK different which will give us what we call "INSIGHT SOLUTIONS."  These are not solutions which others will have thought of, but solutions which are simple, yet powerful and solutions we will be able to execute.  

When our entire team learns to Think Differently that will give us LEVERAGE like we have never had before.  When we connect all of our passions together, our life visions together . . . it is only then that we see our true potential. 

Lesson 6 ~ DO

The most LEVERAGE happens not when we are thinking about something but LEVERAGE happens when we TAKE ACTION, when we DO something.  

Imagine . . . having flexes which are so fine tuned and skilled that the entire team Thinks in the most effective way.  NO . . . everyone will not think the same! Everyone will learn, through the course how to think through DOING, through taking actions that we may have never even considered taking in the past.

Lesson 7 ~ LEVERAGE

Well . . . that's it.  :-)   Pretty simple . . . but yet complex as the more we know about LEVERAGE the more we know we do not know. What is our true capabilities and what could we all really be doing if we were to all come together as the "Power Of One?"  


The intelligence behind this course... well . . . I have never seen anything like it.  You can quickly tell there are decades of work invested.  Amazing! 


You can go as fast or as slow as you want through the course.  Everything is really clear and easy to understand.  As a teacher I will use this in the classroom.


It's interesting . . . as a business owner, I went into this course looking for one thing and came out . . . with something so much more.  I learned so much about my wife and my children and how to partner with my employees in the most amazing way. 


I played professional hockey and learned to play at the highest levels that you can't make excuses.  What a great lesson for every team member to learn.  


Having 4 children 6 and under I needed this course.  I think of all the moms in the workforce who are stretched so thin.  What a great gift to give this course to any mom, as it will help her in ways she never imagined.


I totally get now why everyone should take this course.  Actually it should be a required course in school.  It's fun, interesting, and exciting to learn.


At the season of life that I am at . . . I think that some old school teaching, mentoring, and coaching is in order and the LEVERAGE course does that.  Powerful!


I am now a business owner and I wish my past employers would have had me go through this course.  I wish it would have been taught in school as I now realize that LEVERAGE is the foundation of all success and when we create WIN WIN WIN for everyone that is true Positive LEVERAGE.


I was surprised by how quickly I and others around me picked it up.  So much thought has gone into this. As a single mom, this helped so much!


My husband and I own three businesses and this course has helped us to better understand the science of selling.  My husband is in the military and wow could the military use something like this in a huge way. 
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